By making funds available and for short periods of time a much better return can be made investing in property
Based around buying Below Market Value and adding value through development
Lack funds, time or knowledge? We will partner with you if the fit is right
We source excellent property investment opportunities with a guaranteed return
Main investment area is around the major towns and cities
We utilize our very own power team to oversee and deliver each project step by step
Everyone needs a roof over their head, whether they rent or own their own home. As a basic necessity, housing will always be in demand – it will always have value because we simply can’t live without it
This gives each property project we take on the advantage over shares with less risk and greater stability over time – in other words, property is as “safe as houses”.
Property is considered the strongest asset class
Banks will only pay you a 0.15% - 3% interest on your money
High return, secured investment from working with us
100% Secure - 1st Charge over the buildings we are working on
Investing in property is far less volatile than shares
Demand in most major cities far outweighs supply
At a time when savers are getting below average returns from the bank, we have become an option for private lenders to get a much greater outcome. Using our extensive property knowledge, and ability to buy at some of the best prices in the market, and strength of team and experience to build out the project, we can far outperform most available consumer investments, and have investors now that have worked with us for a number of years in multiple deals.
We are a team with a vast wealth of property knowledge. We deliver clear and concise advice, allowing you to know all the figures before making a decision. Furthermore, backing that knowledge up with fantastic returns!
All properties are purchased with cash then turned into Co-Living Units to increase value and cashflow. Refurb Works completed and mortgage raised on higher commercial value. Investor cash and investment is issued back after uplift.
We like to keep the personal touch, this is why we only work with a select group of clients allowing us to get closer and provide a more personalised service to each one, helping with any obstacles and achieving growth together.
Each investment is secure, no trap doors, no tricks. Each member of our team is fully committed to provide a quality service with a return on every investment and a first charge over all project properties done through solicitors.
We are an open book, so that you can see everything that is happening for the duration of the project and visit at any time. We know all of our investors personally and never let them down!
We strive to know every fine detail before making any decision, allowing us to see all options. From sourcing in the right area, assuring a positive return on investment and to provide continued growth within our portfolios.
Belfast HMO Project 1: contact us for more
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